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LS Materials 于 2003 年从 LG 集团分拆出来
LS Materials 是工业电力和电子、材料、机械、组件和能源领域的领先公司。
LS Materials 是韩国第 13 大公司,也是各行业的领导者。
LS Materials 是世界排名前三的电缆和系统制造商。
LS Materials spuns off from LG Group in 2003
LS Materials is a leading company in the areas of industrial electricity and electronics, materials, machinery, components, and energy.
LS Materials is the 13th largest corporation in South Korea and a leader in various industries.
LS Materials is the World Top 3 Cable&System manufacturer.
显示全部Datasheet产品规格书 官网:www.lsmaterials.co.kr/
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